Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Electric car charging points

In Traffic Management Order 1193 the Council proposes to designate parking places in the locations listed below for the leaving of electric vehicles whilst recharging, on an experimental basis. A pay and display ticket will be required to be displayed on recharging vehicles and a maximum stay will apply during the charging hours (indicated below). The existing parking places will be amended as necessary.

  • Grant Road, north side, outside Griffon House (charging hours 8.30am to 6.30pm,Monday to Saturday, maximum stay 2 hours);
  • St John’s Avenue, north side, adjacent to the flank wall of No. 32a Putney Hill (charging hours 8.30am to 6.30pm, Monday to Saturday, maximum stay 2 hours);
  • Coverton Road, south-west side, opposite No 104 Coverton Road (charging hours 9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Saturday, maximum stay 4 hours);
  • Spencer Park, east side, opposite Spencer Park Court (charging hours 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday, maximum stay 4 hours).

    WCC has no objection to these proposals.


In TMO 1207 the Council find that 'It is necessary to introduce a solo motorcycle parking bay in Summerley Street, adjacent to the flank wall of No. 378 Garratt Lane, in response to demand for secure parking from motorcyclists living in the street'.

WCC have no objections to this proposal provided it does not interfere with the adjacent pedal cycle parking stands.


In Traffic Management Order 1206 the Council proposes to introduce double yellow line waiting restrictions operating “at any time” on the south-east side of Albert Drive between the south-western kerb-line of the entrance to the Allenswood Estate and the inset parking bay south-west of that kerb-line; and a single yellow line restriction operating between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday, on Victoria Drive opposite the junction with Albert Drive.

WCC will support these proposals which reduce obstructive parking at these junctions.