Saturday, 26 May 2007

Car club bays at various locations

Traffic management order TMO884 - Received 26 May 2007

The council proposes designating a number of existing car parking bays for the free use of Car Club vehicles with effect form 9th July. This will be an experimental order to be reviewed after six months. The locations are:
Chartfield Avenue N. side outside South Thames College;
Chivalry Road, S. side, west of the junction with Bollingbroke Grove;
Grant Road, opposite the entrance to Clapham Junction station;
Magdalen Road, outside library;
Podmore Road, N. side at junction with Alma Road;
Prince of Wales Drive, S. side, east of Queen's Circus;
Prince of Wales Drive, N. side, east of junction with Soudan Road;
Rectory Lane, outside 1 St. Nicholas Glebe;
Undine Street, outside library;
Wimbledon Park Road, outside library.

WCC are likely to support this proposal since Car Clubs appear to be an excellent way to reduce the numbers of cars on the streets.

Deadline for comments 11 June 2007

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Earlsfield Road & Granville Road SW18

Traffic Management Order TMO 879

The proposal is to remove existing parking spaces to allow for new vehicle cross-overs outside 213 Earlsfield Road and 111 Granville Road.

WCC is not likely to object to these proposals.

Deadline for responses: 1 June 2007

Priory Lane SW15

Traffic Management Order TMO 872 - Received 11/05/2007

The proposal is to introduce waiting restrictions operating at any time on the east side of Priory Lane at its junction with Clarence lane and for a short distance along Clarence Lane. This is in connection with a new mini-roundabout at this junction which is being put in as part of a local safety scheme.

It is also proposed to introduce waiting restrictions operating between 7 am and 7 pm Monday to Friday opposite the junction with Bank Lane.

WCC is likely to support both these proposals which will improve conditions for cyclists by limiting parking on this busy narrow road on which motorists often travel at excessive speed.

Deadline for comments: 30 May 2007

Thursday, 10 May 2007

How to respond to TMO's yourself

If you would like to put in your own response to any of the proposed Traffic Management Orders shown on this site, then send your comments to:

Mr Peter Kilroy,
Technical Services Department,
The Town Hall,
Wandsworth High Street,
London SW18 2PU

Phone: 020 8871 8067
e mail: pkilroy (at)
wandsworth (dot) (address disassembled to save Mr Kilroy getting a flood of spam!)

Various locations in Wandsworth

Traffic Management Order TMO 880 Received 10 May 2007

Proposed exclusion of specific areas from controlled parking zones.

The effect of this order is to exclude anyone living or working at a number of specified addresses from being eligible for CPZ parking permits.

Each of these places (such as the ex cinema/bingo hall above Clapham Junction station) is being re-developed and the plans include a sufficient number of parking places within the development. It is proposed that occupants be excluded from also using CPZ parking to avoid a risk of additional parking associated with these developments causing a shortage of spaces for those with no alternative parking available.

WCC is likely to support the principle of these orders.

Deadline for comments : 31 May 2007

Saturday, 5 May 2007

Mayford Road SW12 & Pulborough Road SW18

TMO 871 - Received 03 May 2007

The proposal is to remove parking bays in each of these roads to accommodate new vehicle crossovers over footways.

WCC would like your views on this. Should we have a policy of opposing new crossovers?

Possible grounds are:

1. That they increase hazards to cyclists (more vehicles manouvering in and out of driveways)
2. Degrade the envirionment for pedestrians (increased hazards for them and more damage to footway)
and even
3. Effectively 'privatise' what was a generally available parking space by replacing it with yellow lines to allow vehicle access to private parking on the property.

What to you think?

Deadline for comments 21 May 2007

Beclands Road SW17, Blondel Steet SW11 & Clarence Lane SW15

TMO 874 Received 03 May 2007

The proposal is for the designation of one disabled 'blue badge' parking space outside particular addresses in each of these roads.

How long will it be before there is another TMO converting them to 'resident specific' disabled bays?

WCC unlikely to have any objection to these.

Deadline for comments is 21 May 2007

Saturday, 28 April 2007

Wandsworth High Street SW 18 between Buckhold Road and West Hill

Transport for London Ref: 2001/LN40435/01 Received 28 April 2007

Proposed changes to loading and parking bays and bus lane in Wansworth High Street.

The proposals include:
- Partial recessing of bays into footway outside Nos. 102/104, 118/126, 131/135 and All Saints' Church.
- Removing the restrictions on parking in these bays bays at peak times.
- Reduction in the operational hours of the loading bay outside No. 111/115 to 10 am to 1 pm Monday to Saturday.
- Recessing the disabled parking bay outside No's 125/127. Removing the restrictions on parking at peak times.
- Extending the operational hours of the bus lane between Wandsworth plain and West Hill to operate at all times.

We would certainly support the extension in bus lane operating hours.

The changes to parking bays raise a number of issues and could result in both improvements and determents in conditions for cyclists and other non-motorised road users. WCC would likely wish to respond in some detail following a site visit by our members. This will be arranged through the WCC e-mail discussion group over the following week or so. Please contact me or leave a comment here if you would like to be involved.

Deadline for response: 18 May 2007

Wandsworth High St. SW18 near Town Hall

Transport for London proposal Ref: 2002/LN40435/01 Received 28/04/2007

Proposed amendments to loading bays.

The proposal is to reduce the operation hours of the two loading bays opposite each other on each side of the High Street by the Friends Meeting House to 10 am to 1 pm Monday to Saturday. The reason given is to reduce traffic congestion and improve journey times for all road users.

When in use these bays (particularly the one on the south side) pose an obstruction to cyclists, so we are likely to support this proposal.

Deadline for comments 18 May 2007

Friday, 20 April 2007

Woodborough Road SW15

School Travel Strategy - Putney Park School Received 20 April 2007

Proposal to introduce two 3m flat-top speed tables on Woodborough Road to facilitate pedestrian crossing around school entrance.
For more information contact Dave Larsen on 8871 8260

WCC will most likely support these proposals which may help reduce motor vehicle speeds.

Deadline for comments 2 May 2007

Cortis Road SW15

School Travel Strategy Measures - Granard Primary School

Proposals for two raised crossing points on Cortis Road opposite school gates and two raised crossing points on Cortis Terrace at the junctions with Westleigh Avenue and Cortis Road and Three round top speed humps along Cortis road with a raised crossing point at the junction with Carslake Road. New double yellow lines around the crossing points will limit parking to improve visibility.
More infomation from Arfan Bhatti 8871 8271.

WCC will most likely welcome these proposals which will reduce motor vehicle speed in the area.

Deadline for comments 2 May 2007

Windmill Drive SW4

TMO 877 Received 20 April 2007

Introduction of short stay parking bays. The proposal is to put in short stay bays on almost all of the north side of Windmill Drive restricting parking to a maximum of three hours between 9 am and 6 pm Monday to Friday. There are also waiting restrictions proposed for the Trader's bay.

Currently free parking is allowed all day and appear to be used by commuters travelling on into central London. This substantially narrows the road which is part of a LCN+ route and results in very poor conditions for cyclists resulting from drivers of motor vehicles attempting to squeeze past cyclists. The proposals have the potential to limit parking to those using the common, and so may improve the situation.

WCC will most likely welcome these proposals with the proviso that the situation be reviewed within one year with further measures being implemented if necessary.

Deadline for comments: 3 May 2007

Thursday, 19 April 2007

Bemish Road SW 15

TMO 876 Received 19 April 2007

Proposal to extend the length of existing parking bays and to put in two new parking bays in Bemish Road.

This road is already almost fully given over to parking on both sides. The extensions are relatively short, but do move the ends of the bays closer to the junction with Ardshiel Close. The two additional bays are on the curved section at the north end of Bemish Road that currently has no parking on the east side.

WCC may object if the effect is to narrow the road to such an extent that cyclists are squeezed by other vehicles. The opinion of any cyclists who use Bemish Road would be very useful.

Deadline for comments: 9 May 2007

Dutch Yard SW18

TMO 878 Received 19 April 2007

The proposal is to continue indefinitely the waiting restrictions that had been temporarily put in place in Dutch Yard.

WCC is not likely to object to this.

Deadline for comments 7 May 2007

Sutherland Grove junction with Whitelands Crescent SW 15

TMO 878 Received 19 April 2007

The proposal is to replace existing single yellow lines with double yellow lines operating at all times in the immediate area of the junction.
The effect will be to reduce parking on the junction. WCC are likely to support this proposal.

Deadline for comments: 7 May 2007

Junction of Brewhouse Lane & Putney Bridge Road SW 15

TMO 878 Received 19 April 2007

The proposal is to introduce remove two existing parking bays situated on the NW side of this junction and replace them with double yellow lines operating at all times.

This will stop parking on the junction. WCC will likely support this proposal.

Deadline for comments: 7 May 2007

Balfern Street, Bennerley Road & Garfield Road SW11 and Swaby Road SW18

TMO 875 Received 19 April

The council proposes converting existing mandatory disabled parking bays to resident specific disabled parking bays in each of the above streets. Thanks to Richard, I know know that the advantage of this is that the bays will be exclusively for the use of the named resident, rather than open to anyone with a disabled badge for their vehicle.

It looks as if all the disabled bays meant for specific residents will be converted in this way.

I think WCC would have no objections whatsoever.

Deadline for comments: 7 May 2007

Saturday, 14 April 2007

Ram Brewery Site SW18

Initial consultation by the developers

The developers of this site, Minerva plc are holding an initial consultation on their outline plans for the site ahead of seeking planning permission.

If you have any ideas on how the site should be developed (e.g. a walking / cycling path alongside the Wandle) then please let them know:

Ram Brewery Consultation,
Four Communications Ltd.
48 Leicester Square
London WC2H 7FG
Phone: 0870 420 3283

No deadline given for responses

St Rule Street SW8

TMO 873 - Received 8 April

Proposal to convert a mandatory disabled parking bay to a resident specific disabled bay.

I don't know what this means, but I'm sure we don't object,

Responses by 26 April

Stag Lane SW15

TMO 870 - Received on 1 April

The proposal is to extend the waiting restrictions (double yellow lines) on the north-east part of Stag Lane near the Cemetery entrance. The restrictions will operate 8 am to 6:30 pm M-S.

This will limit parking on a narrow section of road. We will support.

Comments by 16 April.

Saturday, 24 March 2007

Cycle track through King George's Park

Received 20 March 2007

The cycle track through the park from Strathville Road to mapleton Road is being examined as part of the London cycle network LCN+ programme.

The deadline for initial comments is 9 April 2007
WCC will be putting in a response, so please leave any comments on the track and how it could be improved for cyclists here or via the WCC website.

Thursday, 15 March 2007

Junction Lavender Hill & Mossbury Rd. SW11

Traffic Management Order TMO868 - Received 15 March 2007

To introduce waiting and loading restrictions operating at any time on north side of Lavender Hill near this junction and on both sides of Mossbury Road as far as the existing parking bays.

This will help reduce parking on Lavender Hill and so reduce the times uphill cyclists will need to pull out around parked vehicles.

We propose to support this TMO.

Deadline for response to council is 5th April 2007.

Charlwood Road SW15 (again)

Traffic Management Order: TMO866 - Received 15/03/2007

Our Lady of Victories School - To introduce all day wailting restrictions on both sides of the road alongside the school frontage.

This is a consequence of the kerb build-outs described earlier.

We do not propose any objections.

Deadline for responses to the council is 5th April 2007

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Putney High Street - Putney Bridge Road

Local safety scheme - Received 8 March 2007

The proposal is for extensive works on Putney High Street and to all the junctions between Putney Bridge Road and the Lower Richmond Road / Putney Bridge. The effect will be to bring the cycle lanes and cycle advanced stop boxes up to the current minimum specifications in the London Cycling Design Standards (LCDS). So, for example, the current narrow (0.8 m ?) lanes will be widened to 1.5 m and ASL's will be put in where they are currently missing. The road surface will be re-surfaced in parts to remove ruts, cycle lanes will be coloured green and bus lanes and pedestrian crossings coloured red. There will be a new table entry treatment at Weimar Road. Parallel improvements to pedestrian crossing facilities are also proposed.

At first glance it looks as if this proposal should be welcomed - but we need to look very carefully at the details to make sure that it does not introduce any unintended problems.

Deadline for comments to Wandsworth Council is 20 March 2007.

How to leave a comment

When you click on the 'comments' link below each item you are taken to a page with a text box in which you can type your message. Wen you select to publish your comment you are given a choice of three options. The default option requires that you have an account on google and gives us the ability to contact you through this. The second needs no account, and gives you an option of leaving a contact website or e-mail address. The third allows you to post anonymously.

Charlwood Road SW15

Safety scheme for Our Lady of Victories Primary School
Received 22/2/07

The Council proposes to build a raised crossing and footway buildouts outside the school.

We had no objections to the scheme, other than to the use of guard rails to limit pedestrian movements.

Deadline for comments was 5/3/07

Mitcham Road SW17 - Outside Smith Bros.

TMO 867 - Received 14/03/07

The Council wish to alter the current arrangement of loading bays to make way for a new bus stop bay. The existing bay nearest Franciscan Road will be made shorter, then the new bus stop will be introduced, with a new loading bay extending right up to the zig-zags of the pedestrian crossing near Vant Road. The hours of operation of the loading bays will not change (10-4 M-S for 30 min.).

These changes do not significantly change the complex nature of this road. We do not propose to object to this TMO, but will campaign for a 20 mph zone in this area.

Deadline for responses 10 April 2007

Junction of Sisters Ave. & Thirsk Road SW11

Traffic Management Order - TMO869 - Received 14/03/07

The Council wish to put in a new parking bay 15 m long on Sisters Avenue just to the north of the juction with Thirsk Road (outside Nos. 51 & 53).

It looks to me as if this parking bay would narrow Sisters Road at a bend very near a junction. I guess that a parking bay was probably not put there before because it was considered dangerous.

I think we should object to this on the grounds of danger to cyclists using Sisters Road.

Any comments??

Deadline for responses 2 April (I will respond on behalf of WCC next week)

What's all this then?

This is a bit of an experiment by the Council Liaison team of Wandsworth Cycling Campaign to help get more peope involved in commenting on the consultation documents we get from Wandsworth Council and Transport for London.

With over 650 members in Wandsworth, we should have access to a cycling expert on every street in the Borough. We need that expertise to comment on the stream of consultations that land on the doormat. If we don't comment, then the powers that be can say that the cyclists were asked and did not object - but there's no way that a small group of volunteers can give a proper consideration to all this stuff, particularly given the short times allowed for a response.

So if you're a cyclist in the London borough of Wandsworth, then have a look at what's in the heap and let us know what you think. If all this means nothing to you, then you're probably in the wrong place!