Sunday, 6 February 2011

Rip van who?

After a short break of almost four years I'm back with all the latest riveting news from our Council's Technical Services Department.  I'm hoping that, amongst the steady stream of traffic management orders and scheme consultation notices, there will be things that are of concern to some of you out there.  If you see something that affects you directly, then get campaigning.  Let us know what you think and let the Council know too.


To respond to a Wandsworth Traffic Management Order contact:
Clare Harris, Traffic Orders Officer
The Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
London SW18 2PU

Phone: 020 8871 6691
charris at wandsworth gov uk

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, RVW!

    Also worth copying in relevant councillors, especially the Chair of the Strategic Planning & Transportation Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Russell King, and the Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning & Transportation, Ravi Govindia. For good measure you may wish to copy in your ward councillors.


    Ward councillors available from

    Or, if you don't know your Ward, check who your ward councillors are using

