Sunday, 27 February 2011

Tibbet's Corner Roundabout - Improvements at the jucntion with Wimbledon Parkside

The Council have drawn up proposals to deal with the very high flows of vehicles wishing to enter Wimbledon Parkside from Tibbet's Corner.  These include some cycle tracks on Withycombe Road/Princess Way near this junction.   Here is our response to these proposals:

Thanks for sending the revised proposals for measures to improve conditions for traffic moving from West Hill into Wimbledon Parkside (plans OS-CES-JS-994731-051/4).  I am responding on behalf of Wandsworth Cycling Campaign.

In general, we feel that the proposals represent an improvement over current conditions in a very difficult environment.  Ideally, we would wish to see the main junctions signalised together with surface-level crossings to enable full permeability for non-motor traffic. 

On the roundabout itself, the introduction of the ghost island to manage the orderly merging of vehicular traffic ahead of the junction with Wimbledon Parkside appears a reasonable solution.  We note that the 'left turn' lane entering the roundabout from West Hill is narrowed to 3.6 m by means of the ghost island.  The use of a 'slow' marking here is clearly indicated.  Since some cyclists may choose to use this lane (e.g. because they  wish to maintain speed) we feel that the use of centrally positioned cycle logos in this lane will further increase safety by discouraging unsafe overtakes.

For south-bound cyclists travelling between West Hill and Parkside (or wishing to use the track alongside the A3) Withycombe Road/Princess Way seems to represent a viable alternative to the use of the roundabout. For this to work, the access from the carriageway on West Hill would need to be well-signed and very well engineered to enable cyclists to move into Princess Way without needing to delay on the carriageway itself either to give way to pedestrians or to negotiate a kerb or upstand.  The current geometry of the turn just beyond the bus stop is too tight and will need a high-quality dropped kerb (that is, absolutely flush, in accordance with best practice) installed.  We therefore suggest that the current provision is reviewed and upgraded as part of this scheme.  Similarly, provision for cyclists travelling north along Withycombe Road/Princess Way and wishing to continue down West Hill may need to be re-examined to enable simple access to the underpass.    

The new cycle track arrangements at the Junction of Withycome Road with Wimbledon Parkside appear to be an improvement over current arrangements, albeit possibly capable of simplification (a shared use area with good asphalt surface might replace the multiplicity of tracks with a reduction in installation and maintenance costs).   Cyclists wishing to travel into Parkside are led out at the mouth of the junction with Oatlands Court.  With the re-location of the large traffic sign, this is likely to be a workable solution.

One important general point we would make is that, for the off-carriageway cycle tracks and underpasses to be usable, they will need to be included in maintenance and gritting contracts to the same extent as the carriageway.  For example, for a prolonged period late last year the entire Tibbet's Corner area was impassible to walkers and cyclists using the off-road tracks.

Finally, we ask that these proposals are carefully monitored post-implementation.

1 comment:

  1. Here is the Council's response to our comments on their Tibbet's Corner proposals:

    Dear Mike,

    Thank you for your response dated 27th February 2011 in relation to the above scheme. I address your comments and suggestions below:

    Signalisation and level crossings unfortunately falls outside the remit of this scheme.

    With regards to the proposed left turn 'slip lane' we are currently seeking the Department for Transport's (DfT) view on this, as the design is a variation of standard layout. The roundabout itself is not a 'standard' layout and the scheme safety audit raised similar concerns as you. We are therefore awaiting feedback from the DfT before proceeding further. At which point, your suggestion to include cycle logos as well as ensuring the contiguity with the West Hill exit and the Wimbledon Parkside entrance would be considered. I will inform you of their decision when it becomes available.

    With regards to cyclists wishing to access Princes Way from West Hill, we have installed two dropped kerbs from the carriageway of West Hill, to allow cyclists better access to the footway cycle tracks if they choose to bypass the left turn lane or access the underpass. To improve this layout, a bench and bollard were relocated and the access to the subway behind the bus stop on Withycombe Road has also been recently improved to allow a safer entrance and exit from the footway. We are currently discussing with DfT, a suitable Advanced Destination Sign for cyclists on all approaches to the roundabout. We believe the recent improvements, goes a long way towards addressing your suggestions. However, upon completion of the scheme, we will review the functionality and make any necessary additions or adjustments.

    I agree with your suggestions of simplification at the junction of Withycombe Road and Wimbledon Parkside, this being a fundamental part of the entire scheme. However, to create a shared use area creates difficulties with crossing pedestrians and cyclists together at the splitter island on Withycombe Road. This is due to the narrowing taper width on the splitter island which would then leave cyclists vulnerable while waiting to go across the carriageway when sharing the space with a pedestrian. We cannot widen the island due to the existing highway layout and geometry. The proposed cycle tracks therefore we believe, provide the best viable option of consistency with the segregated crossing points.

    As you will no doubt appreciate, there is a hierarchy of highway networks and in the case of winter maintenance issues, this would determine how they are treated and for highway maintenance, how often they are inspected. Regardless, the highway areas around Tibbet's Corner are included in both winter maintenance and highway maintenance programmes.

    I hope the above addresses your comments. If you have any further information then please do not hesitate to contact me.


    Jonathan Sanders
    Traffic Engineer
