Friday, 11 March 2011

Broadwater Road SW17 Traffic Management Scheme

The Council is consulting on a traffic management scheme that aims to reduce through traffic and improve conditions for pedestrians in the Broadwater Road area.  The proposals comprise:

The reversal of the current one way working between the junction with Rogers Road and Kharma Road, including reversal of the cycle contra-flow.

A morning and evening peak-time banned left turn from Kharma Road into Garratt Lane.

The introduction of a road closure between Fishponds Road Broadwater Road with cycle access.

You can see the plans here

We are currently looking at these proposals in detail.  Please let us know what you think so that we can include our views.  Our response will also be posted here.


  1. Hi Mike,

    I was wondering when the next set of info on this was going to come up.

    On Broadwater road do they need to put in the pedestrian refuges? I think it would just put an unnecessary squeeze on cyclists entering the contra-flow. I do think the bit around the corner is good though.

    Generally like the blocking off of Fishponds road. Could they put a cycle lane for cyclists coming the other way? Could the lanes be larger than the minimum standards required.

    With the traffic island on Tooting High Street. Could it be done in a way that still allows cyclists to cross over?

    And "obviously" have contra-flows allowed for cyclists on all of the area.

  2. Jon Irwin has kindly produced Wandsworth Cycling Campaign's response to this scheme:
    Broadwater Rd

    Overall the general aims of the re-configuration are to be commended. WCC would like to see two-way cycling allowed along all the one-way streets by way of signage, with no need for road engineering.

    WCC thinks that the change of the existing one-way working on Broadwater Rd may not be necessary. If the existing one way working on Broadwater Rd currently running East to West is reversed, there is the risk that current motor vehicular flows using Khama Rd to cut through and exit onto Tooting High Street / Totterdown Rd would just shift onto Broadwater Rd.

    WCC is happy with Khama Rd reversal of one way working, if provision can be made through signage for cyclists to continue to enter Khama Rd from Garratt Lane.

    WCC would prefer not to see the introduction of one-way working on Selkirk Rd. The two way flow of motor traffic is a very cost effective speed reduction tool. Whilst there is a 20mph limit in the area, even with the speed humps, there is a perception from local residents/WCC member(s) that this is not always currently adhered to.

    Regarding the closing off of Fishponds Rd to motorised through traffic, this is to be commended. The plans suggest however that only part of the raised level crossing will be accessible to cyclists. There is also the impression given that there will be cycle lane along Broadwater lane which needs to have a marked route to cross the raised level. WCC suggests that along the north and south sides of the raised crossing the edge is tapered so that cyclists can enter and exit the crossing with ease at any point. WCC does not think that it is necessary to have a "specific" cycle route marked. If felt necessary, perhaps cycle logos could be on the bollards.

    The central island proposed for Tooting High Street does not seem to take into account cyclists. Clearly the central island would reduce through traffic entering Totterdown Street. WCC suspects that this refers to motorised traffic, and not pedestrian/cycling "traffic". Perhaps a series of bollards could be put in place which would have the desired effect on motorised traffic whilst still allowing cyclists to "cut-through".
