Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Clapham Junction Station access on St Johns Hill

In connection with the new pedestrian and vehicular entrance to Clapham Junction Station at Brighton Yard on St. Johns Hill, the Council are proposing to upgrade the entry to Brighton Yard by constructing a new raised table entry, narrowing the entry and possibly introducing a new bus stop to the east of the entrance.  The plans are here. 

WCC are likely to support the entry treatment, particularly the narrowing of the entry which will reduce speeds of vehicles entering and leaving the station yard.  We have concerns about the safety of cyclists making an uphill right turn into the yard and also about the bus stop requiring cyclists to move out into the main traffic lane.  Please let us know what you think before we respond just after Easter.

1 comment:

  1. Would it also be tricky leaving Brighton Yard, turning right onto St John's Hill for travel towards Wandsworth? (though not as hazardous as attempting to turn right into Brighton Yard). A 20mph speed limit would help along here. Another thought is whether a pedestrian crossing could be provided - this would enhance pedestrians' access to B/ton Yard and also have the effect of slowing down the traffic.
