Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Electric car charging points

In Traffic Management Order 1193 the Council proposes to designate parking places in the locations listed below for the leaving of electric vehicles whilst recharging, on an experimental basis. A pay and display ticket will be required to be displayed on recharging vehicles and a maximum stay will apply during the charging hours (indicated below). The existing parking places will be amended as necessary.

  • Grant Road, north side, outside Griffon House (charging hours 8.30am to 6.30pm,Monday to Saturday, maximum stay 2 hours);
  • St John’s Avenue, north side, adjacent to the flank wall of No. 32a Putney Hill (charging hours 8.30am to 6.30pm, Monday to Saturday, maximum stay 2 hours);
  • Coverton Road, south-west side, opposite No 104 Coverton Road (charging hours 9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Saturday, maximum stay 4 hours);
  • Spencer Park, east side, opposite Spencer Park Court (charging hours 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday, maximum stay 4 hours).

    WCC has no objection to these proposals.


In TMO 1207 the Council find that 'It is necessary to introduce a solo motorcycle parking bay in Summerley Street, adjacent to the flank wall of No. 378 Garratt Lane, in response to demand for secure parking from motorcyclists living in the street'.

WCC have no objections to this proposal provided it does not interfere with the adjacent pedal cycle parking stands.


In Traffic Management Order 1206 the Council proposes to introduce double yellow line waiting restrictions operating “at any time” on the south-east side of Albert Drive between the south-western kerb-line of the entrance to the Allenswood Estate and the inset parking bay south-west of that kerb-line; and a single yellow line restriction operating between 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday, on Victoria Drive opposite the junction with Albert Drive.

WCC will support these proposals which reduce obstructive parking at these junctions.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Chelsea bridge - TfL proposes sub-standard cycle lane

Tlf Have now responded to our original comments on their Chelsea Bridge proposals.
Here is the text of their response any my preliminary reply.

The plans can be seen from the original post on Chelsea Bridge.
What do you want to do about this - let us know...

On 29/03/11 11:28, Murthwaite Paul wrote:
Dear Mr Grahn

Your email below has been passed on to myself, many thanks for your comments please find our response as follows:

1) What was sent through first was pre-consultation only sent to the emergency services and other people requested to be contacted by the Borough. Public consultation on the order begins with the publishing of the public notice of intent in the local media and London Gazette, at the same time the notice is published in the media, street notices will also be hung on site. These notices give a 21 day period where members of the public may view the orders, plans, etc either at the Borough of Wandsworth or TfL. Within this time responses and objections to the scheme are all logged and addressed prior to the order being signed off and made. Statutory guidelines are strictly adhered to.

2) The documentation has now been amended to 1.5m, originally the design was to provide a 2m facility. The design was changed to provide adequate space on the northbound carriageway, in order to achieve this the southbound cycle lane had to be narrowed from 2m to 1.5m. The new design now provides a 4.5m bus lane on the northbound carriageway which allows cyclists to be overtaken comfortably at any time. Additionally, the wider bus lane means that cyclists are able to position themselves in the outside part of the lane in order to move over to the right hand lane to turn right at Grosvenor Road. 

Dear Mr Murthwaite,

Many thanks for your response to my comments.  I take the point that this was a pre-consultation, but do still have concerns that the consultation was carried out with contradictory and out-dated documentation. 

We have very significant concerns regarding the narrowing of the mandatory cycle lane to sub-standard dimensions.  The reasons given - to allow cyclists to be 'comfortably' overtaken by a bus - do not in our opinion balance the loss of comfort and increased risk of collision resulting from the narrowing of the southbound lane.  The particular design of the bridge, whereby the cycle lane is bounded by the solid bridge abutments which gives cyclists no possibility of escape when coupled with a relatively narrow 3.1m running lane will lead to a facility whereby cyclists are squeezed in a very narrow zone between passing vehicles and the bridge wall.  This will be neither comfortable or safe and cannot be considered compatible with any form of cycle route, let alone a 'super' highway. 

I will be circulating your response to our members and we will formulate a considered objection as soon as we can.

In the mean time we would welcome an opportunity to discuss the layout of lanes on the bridge with the design team.


Mike Grahn
Wandsworth Cycling Campaign

Clapham Junction Station access on St Johns Hill

In connection with the new pedestrian and vehicular entrance to Clapham Junction Station at Brighton Yard on St. Johns Hill, the Council are proposing to upgrade the entry to Brighton Yard by constructing a new raised table entry, narrowing the entry and possibly introducing a new bus stop to the east of the entrance.  The plans are here. 

WCC are likely to support the entry treatment, particularly the narrowing of the entry which will reduce speeds of vehicles entering and leaving the station yard.  We have concerns about the safety of cyclists making an uphill right turn into the yard and also about the bus stop requiring cyclists to move out into the main traffic lane.  Please let us know what you think before we respond just after Easter.

Sunday, 27 March 2011


In Traffic Management Order 1202 the Council proposes to amend parking places and waiting restrictions in Tooting Grove to ensure that access is maintained for refuse collection vehicles.

Several lengths of parking are proposed for removal to be replaced by 9:30 to 5:30 weekday yellow lines. 
It is suggested that WCC have no strong views on these proposals, though they could be said to reduce the risk of 'dooring'.


In Traffic Management Order 1203 the Council propose to introduce double yellow line waiting restrictions operating “at any time” at the following locations to deter obstructive parking and improve sightlines for 'motorists and pedestrians'. 
    • At the junction of Harbridge Avenue and Danebury Avenue;
    • On the south-east side of Portsmouth Road at either side of the south-western vehicular exit from Highlands Heath and to the north-east of the north-eastern vehicular entrance to Highlands Heath.
    • On the north-west side of Portsmouth Road at the junction with Telegraph Road; and
    • At the junction of Moyser Road and Nimrod Road

      WCC will support these proposals and point out that cyclists also benefit from improved sightlines!

20 mph speed limits on Old York Road, Podmore Road, Ferrier Street, Edgel Street and Morie Street SW18

As part of the work for Cycle 'Super' Highway 8 Transport for London (TfL) are consulting on the introduction of 20 mph speed limits on Old York Road and the streets to the immediate north.

At the same time they also propose to introduce a 7.5 tonne weight restriction except for access.

We propose strongly supporting these proposals.

New southbound cycle lane on Chelsea bridge

As part of the works for Cycle 'Super' Highway 8, Transport for London are proposing to introduce a mandatory southbound cycle lane on the bridge itself leading into a 2 metre wide advisory cycle and at the Wandsworth end.

The general nature and effect of the Order will be to facilitate the passage on the road of cycle traffic by introducing a new cycle lane on Chelsea Bridge in the London Borough of Wandsworth. 
The section of Chelsea Bridge that would be affected by the Order extends southwards from the borough boundaries of Wandsworth and Kensington & Chelsea on Chelsea Bridge. The cycle lane would be 2-metres wide measured from the pedestrian footway kerb edge into the carriageway parallel to the bridge wall on the east side to a point opposite the middle of the junction of Queenstown Road and Carriageway Drive North, 21metres short of the pedestrian crossing on the southbound carriageway.

We propose to support this proposal, but will note that the accompanying plans show only a 1.5 m lane whilst the text of the traffic order properly states that the lane should be 2m wide.  See the plans here.
Before you ask, there are no proposals to allow 'shared use' cycling on the wide pavements on either side of this bridge because of Kensington and Chelsea Council have totally opposed any suggestions and regularly set the police to fine cyclists on the pavement.   Please contact the leader of that Council if you wish to complain.

Our response is shown as a comment.

Northen end of Blackfriars Bridge Consultation - Respond by 15 April

Transport for London (TfL) are now re-consulting on their plans for the road layout at the northern end of Blackfriars Bridge in the City as part of the new rail station development.  This new consultation has come about because of protests from cyclists and others when they tried to slip the scheme through earlier this year.

Please have a look at the proposals and respond to TfL by the deadline of  April 15th.

The official response page is here.

The Cyclists in the City blog has lots of background on the proposals and the campaign to alter them.

For our part, Wandsworth Cycling Campaign together with Merton Cycling Campaign and Wandsworth Living Streets will be putting our case to the TfL engineers at a meeting this Wednesday that was set up with the help of Richard Tracey, our representative on the Greater London Assembly.

Susie Morrow has posted her notes of this useful meeting on the WCC Yahoo group.

Friday, 11 March 2011

Totterdown Road SW17 through (motor) traffic reduction scheme

The Council is consulting on proposals to reduce the volumes of through traffic using Totterdown Street.  The proposals comprise:

A new central island in Tooting High Street to deter traffic from entering Totterdown Street.

An entry treatment on Totterdown Street at the junction with Fransciscan Road to narrow the entry.

The planting of trees at intervals at the edges of the roadway between the parking spaces in order to improve the street scene and break up the straight alignment.

The plans can be seen here.

We are now looking at the plans in detail.  If you have any comments, particularly if you use Totterdown Road, please let us know what you think so that we can take your views into account.  We will post our response here.

Broadwater Road SW17 Traffic Management Scheme

The Council is consulting on a traffic management scheme that aims to reduce through traffic and improve conditions for pedestrians in the Broadwater Road area.  The proposals comprise:

The reversal of the current one way working between the junction with Rogers Road and Kharma Road, including reversal of the cycle contra-flow.

A morning and evening peak-time banned left turn from Kharma Road into Garratt Lane.

The introduction of a road closure between Fishponds Road Broadwater Road with cycle access.

You can see the plans here

We are currently looking at these proposals in detail.  Please let us know what you think so that we can include our views.  Our response will also be posted here.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

URGENT! Consultation on Dover House Road and West Putney 20mph speed limit scheme

For some time the Council have been developing a 20 mph limit scheme in West Putney and around Dover House Road.  This is important because it is seen as a test bed for area-wide 20 mph limits in Wandsworth.  WCC has strongly supported the idea of 20 mph limits because they can help reduce the speed differential between cyclists and motorised vehicles and so increase the safety and comfort of cyclists.

In the past, the Council has always combined 20 mph zones with traffic calming including chicanes, humps and speed cushions, which can often be dangerous and uncomfortable for cyclists.  However, the residents in the area said they wanted the speed limits, but not the traffic calming.

In response the Council are proposing to put in the 20 mph zones with no physical measures, using only 20 mph signs and painted road markings designed to look like speed cushions but without any humps or other physical measures.  The residents are being consulted again on whether they want the 20 mph limits to be put in with these painted virtual speed cushions, with actual speed humps, or not at all.

Given the cost and problems of physical humps and speed cushions WCC is proposing to support the introduction limits with the painted markings, provided that their effectiveness is properly monitored, but we would like to hear from as many cyclists as possible before we make a formal response.

Please give us your comments here.  We need to forward responses to the Council by the end of Sunday March 13th.  This was done and our response is shown as a comment to this post.

Saturday, 5 March 2011


TMO 1200 proposes to amend parking places in the above locations to accommodate new vehicle crossovers over the footway to No. 44 Frewin Road, No. 89 St James’s Drive and No. 78A Erpingham Road.

WCC has no comment to make on these.


TMO 1201 proposes to amend parking places in St John’s Hill in order to accommodate a loading bay for large delivery vehicles outside the new Sainsbury’s store at Nos. 165 to 167 St John’s Hill. It is also necessary to re-designate the existing loading bay outside No. 161 St John’s Hill as a pay and display only bay, in order to replace the space lost to visitors due to the introduction of a larger loading bay outside Nos. 165 to 167.

WCC has no objections to these proposals

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Tibbet's Corner Roundabout - Improvements at the jucntion with Wimbledon Parkside

The Council have drawn up proposals to deal with the very high flows of vehicles wishing to enter Wimbledon Parkside from Tibbet's Corner.  These include some cycle tracks on Withycombe Road/Princess Way near this junction.   Here is our response to these proposals:

Thanks for sending the revised proposals for measures to improve conditions for traffic moving from West Hill into Wimbledon Parkside (plans OS-CES-JS-994731-051/4).  I am responding on behalf of Wandsworth Cycling Campaign.

In general, we feel that the proposals represent an improvement over current conditions in a very difficult environment.  Ideally, we would wish to see the main junctions signalised together with surface-level crossings to enable full permeability for non-motor traffic. 

On the roundabout itself, the introduction of the ghost island to manage the orderly merging of vehicular traffic ahead of the junction with Wimbledon Parkside appears a reasonable solution.  We note that the 'left turn' lane entering the roundabout from West Hill is narrowed to 3.6 m by means of the ghost island.  The use of a 'slow' marking here is clearly indicated.  Since some cyclists may choose to use this lane (e.g. because they  wish to maintain speed) we feel that the use of centrally positioned cycle logos in this lane will further increase safety by discouraging unsafe overtakes.

For south-bound cyclists travelling between West Hill and Parkside (or wishing to use the track alongside the A3) Withycombe Road/Princess Way seems to represent a viable alternative to the use of the roundabout. For this to work, the access from the carriageway on West Hill would need to be well-signed and very well engineered to enable cyclists to move into Princess Way without needing to delay on the carriageway itself either to give way to pedestrians or to negotiate a kerb or upstand.  The current geometry of the turn just beyond the bus stop is too tight and will need a high-quality dropped kerb (that is, absolutely flush, in accordance with best practice) installed.  We therefore suggest that the current provision is reviewed and upgraded as part of this scheme.  Similarly, provision for cyclists travelling north along Withycombe Road/Princess Way and wishing to continue down West Hill may need to be re-examined to enable simple access to the underpass.    

The new cycle track arrangements at the Junction of Withycome Road with Wimbledon Parkside appear to be an improvement over current arrangements, albeit possibly capable of simplification (a shared use area with good asphalt surface might replace the multiplicity of tracks with a reduction in installation and maintenance costs).   Cyclists wishing to travel into Parkside are led out at the mouth of the junction with Oatlands Court.  With the re-location of the large traffic sign, this is likely to be a workable solution.

One important general point we would make is that, for the off-carriageway cycle tracks and underpasses to be usable, they will need to be included in maintenance and gritting contracts to the same extent as the carriageway.  For example, for a prolonged period late last year the entire Tibbet's Corner area was impassible to walkers and cyclists using the off-road tracks.

Finally, we ask that these proposals are carefully monitored post-implementation.

Parking restrictions near junctions in Elco Street, Howie Street, Parkgare Road and Rush Hill Road SW11

In TMO1191 the Council propose replacing single yellow lines with double yellow lines in the immediate vicinity of junctions in these streets to deter parking at these points.   WCC supports these proposals which will improve visibility at junctions.

New kerb buildouts on North Drive near Colson Way SW16

In proposal ref OS/EDS/TM/005150 Maryrose Page of the Operational Services team sets put plans to deter obstructive parking by the introduction of kerb buildouts on North Drive (the quiet road parallel to Tooting Beck Road) just west of the junction with Colson Way. The buildouts will also form a crossing point for pedestrians on the path to the bus stop on Tooting Bec Road.

WCC are supporting these proposals since they improve conditions for pedestrians, improve visibility at the junction (by eliminating parked cars). They will act to some extent as a pinch point, but, since the road is narrow and very heavily parked, we feel that cyclists will naturally be positioned in the centre of the lane and so will not be squeezed at the narrowing.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Crossovers in Erpingham Road SW15, Fountain Road SW17 and Sudbrooke Road SW12

TMO 1198 covers the installation of pavement crossovers to allow parking in front gardens on the above roads.  WCC has no objections.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Removal of car park in Frogmore SW18

TMO 1197 will have the effect of removing parking on the off-road car park in Frogmore opposite the Panorama Antennas factory.  The Council are selling the site for development.
WCC has no views on this proposal since it does not affect conditions for cycling.

Formalisation of taxi rank outside Southfields Station SW18

TMO 1196 proposes making the current unofficial taxi rank on Wimbledon Park Road outside the station into a formal rank.  This will involve moving the bus stop and shelter a few metres to the north. 

WCC do not have any objections to the proposals since they appear not to change the conditions for cycling very much if at all.  This is quite a narrow rad at this point, and there is a hazard to cyclists from taxis and buses setting off into the path of northbound cyclists.  Whilst the proposals will not make things any better, they don't look as if they will make them worse either.

New footway crossovers in Baskerville Road SW18 and Sudbrooke Road SW12

TMO 1195 proposes one new pavement crossover (removal of parking, dropped kerb installation etc.) to allow cars into front-garden parking spaces.

WCC will not object to this proposal.

WCC policy has been to be neutral on such proposals.  As an environmentalist, I personally think they are a bad idea, since they are part of the process whereby gardens are paved over and get turned into car parks.  This contributes the rain run-off flooding the sewage system and is part of the reason why Thames Water want to dig their new tunnel under the Thames.  They also potentially increase hazards for pedestrians, particularly when the cars in the gardens jut out onto the pavement.

However, they have little impact in purely cycling terms, hence our policy of neutrality.  What do you think? Add a comment below.

St Martin's Way SW17 - No parking opposite juctions

TMO 1194 proposes 'at any time' parking restrictions opposite the two private car park entrances in St. Martin's Way.
WCC support the proposals as they reduce potential hazard at junctions.

Rip van who?

After a short break of almost four years I'm back with all the latest riveting news from our Council's Technical Services Department.  I'm hoping that, amongst the steady stream of traffic management orders and scheme consultation notices, there will be things that are of concern to some of you out there.  If you see something that affects you directly, then get campaigning.  Let us know what you think and let the Council know too.


To respond to a Wandsworth Traffic Management Order contact:
Clare Harris, Traffic Orders Officer
The Town Hall
Wandsworth High Street
London SW18 2PU

Phone: 020 8871 6691
charris at wandsworth gov uk